What is this training about

and what to expect

This training helps to understand how live systems work and how each of us are affected as parts of systems every single day. People, who have encountered systemic family constellations, systemic coaching or systemic consulting work, usually have plenty of questions – this training can help to clarify some of them. People, who have no experience with systemic work of any kind, but are looking for new ways to solve their current issues, can find some answers and encounter impulses leading to questions of different quality. This training is your investment in systemic learning, theoretical knowledge with practical examples and demonstrations. You can expect a good starting point for your movement. The online video starts with a look at a person's life from a systemic perspective. In this viseo training three systemic principles are explained - the principles of order, belonging and exchange. Also, basic systemic patterns are introduced and you can learn how to recognize them in family systems and organisations. With this knowledge, you will start to perceive how systems appear in your daily life. At the end of this online training, basic steps will be provided to support you in your systemic journey.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Before we begin...

    • Before we begin... (2 min read time)

  • 2

    What is this training about?

    • Basic theory on how live systems work (2 min watch time)

  • 3

    What do we mean by a system?

    • Our life from systemic perspective (7 min watch time)

    • A person form systemic perspective (1 min read time)

  • 4

    How does live system work? Systemic principles

    • Systemic principles (6 min read time)

    • Systemic principles (2 min watch time)

    • Patterns connected to principle of order. Triangulation and Parentification (8 min read time)

    • Order and pattern of triangulation in family system (38 min watch time)

    • Order and pattern of parentification in family system (16 min watch time)

    • Systemic order in organizations (4 min read time)

    • Order in organizational system (21 min watch time)

    • Order of functions in organisation (2 min read time)

    • Belonging in family system (3 min read time)

    • Belonging in family system (20 min watch time)

    • Belonging in organizational systems (2 min read time)

    • Belonging in organisational system (18 min watch time)

    • Organisational system as field (1 min read time)

    • Exchange and balance in family system (4 min read time)

    • Exchange and balance in family system (21 min watch time)

    • Exchange and balance and pattern of carrying for someone else and polarities in family system (19 min watch time)

    • Exchange and balance in organisations (4 min read time)

    • Exchange and balance in organisations (13 min watch time)

  • 5

    Systemic mechanisms and patterns

    • Systemic mechanisms and patterns (4 min read time)

    • Systemic mechanisms and patterns

  • 6

    When change happens to us

    • Categories of Feelings (or Emotions) (3 min read time)

    • Four types of feelings (15 min watch time)

    • 7 steps towards one’s own life (3 min read time)

    • 7 steps towards our own life (11 min watch time)

    • When is a system healthy? (1 min read time)

    • Preconditions for healthy family and organizational systems (8 min watch time)

  • 7

    Summary and conclusion

    • Summary and conclusion (1 min watch time)

    • More resources for you (1 min read time)

Watch Intro Video

Take a glimpse inside an online training

Watch an episode of video lesson

This training is designed

for those who are looking for a deeper and meaningful answers

  • Just Interested

    For those who feel interested in this work and have no clue what to expect, this training can help answer a few questions and prepare you for some new ideas on how to look at your own situations at work and in life.

  • Beginners

    For those who have had a client experience with systemic constellations, this training can help digest what you had experienced in the systemic work process, and support inner change.

  • Intermediates

    For those studying systemic work and constellations. You are very welcome to use this training as supporting material in your own professional and personal development. It may provide some new insights on how to explain systemic work to your clients.

Iveta Apine

systemic coach, constellations facilitator and trainer, founder of Systemic Constellations Center Riga

We will start by looking at a person's life from a systemic perspective. We will discuss the theory about three systemic principles - the principle of order, the principle of belonging and the principle of exchange. By learning the most common systemic patterns in family and organisational systems, we will start to understand and recognise, how systemic dynamics appear in our daily lives. At the end of this online training, basic steps will be provided to move into your systemic journey and have an opportunity to apply it in your own life.
Iveta Apine