Iveta Apine

systemic coach, constellations facilitator and trainer, founder of Systemic Constellations Center Riga

My path to systemic approach, facilitating constellations and offering organizational and family constellations training, started with personal work as a client. It took a professional turn more than ten years ago after visiting Bert Hellinger camp in Austria.
Iveta Apine

I think systemic thinking is something that can bring about a major change in individual human lives and at some point, add to a shift in the society we are expecting and longing for. Systemic work is very simple in its essence: everything that we exclude, keeps coming back at some point in time and some shape. Through physical or mental health symptoms, repeating issues in professional work, career, money or personal relationships, issues with children behavior, learning or health, etc. 

The solution comes from becoming more aware of own thought, emotions, actions, making sounder decisions – this is what systemic knowledge can foster, if we perceive it mentally. Through acknowledging and integration of family background and own experience, with the support of qualified systemic constellator, a much wider opening towards the flow of life can happen. And happens through deeply accepting what is. Things that are not possible for our minds, are possible for our hearts and led by spirits.  

My path to systemic work started with once signing up for a consultation with a systemic family constellator fifteen years ago.   It took a professional turn after visiting Bert Hellinger camp in Austria, continued with being trained at Bert Hellinger Institute Netherland, Moscow Institute for Systemic Solutions and Consulting (Институт консультирования и системных решений, Мoсква), studying with Stephan Hausner, Guni Baxa, Christine Essen and many others. In 2016, I founded Systemic Constellations Center Riga (Riga, Latvia), where together with my husband, we run systemic trainings and consulting for organisations and family work in Latvian, English and Russian. 

If you are interested to learn more about Systemic Constellations Center Riga, visit our website https://www.constellationsriga.lv/en/

Video trainings and LIVE online training groups

A center of systemic solutions that fosters organizational, leadership, and individual change

Systemic videos and LIVE online trainings help you in three ways: obtain systemic knowledge, arrive at personal insights that can lead towards solutions, and integrate the experience you have gone through as part of your family system and a human being with own life experience.

Wellbeing of any system is regulated by three systemic principles – when everyone involved has equal rights to belonging; when there is a flow of exchange, giving and taking is balanced; and when elements of the system are acting from their rightful place in the system. These three principles, depending on the way and amount of neglect, create specific dynamics within the system, affecting everyone involved. 

Systemic constellations and systemic work, based on system-phenomenological concepts, support solutions for individuals, families, and organisations. Often, when realizing and overgrowing own patterns, our clients are indeed surprised, relieved, and moved. Deeply. 

This work is processed at many levels – mind, body, heart and spirit. It slowly and softly brings us back to our true selves, the nature and creates space to live here and now more often.


People of different ages, professional paths, and life experiences

My training programs are designed for adults who are looking for ways to overcome limitations, prejudices, stereotypes, longings and move closer to full life potential. Training programmes’ participants look for support in solving personal issues, seek guidance with family, relationship issues, and existential questions; professional issues encountered in leadership positions and when managing and developing own business. They often start with purchasing video trainings, and then continuing in LIVE online groups and/or individual coaching sessions.