What is this training about

and what to expect

This training is for people who are interested in enriching their coaching skills. Systemic coaching attracts people of various backgrounds, from professional coaches, consultants, managers and HR experts to people who have had no previous connection to coaching. Training is very practical, providing theory as well as examples and tools for your work with clients. Systemic coaching means we are looking at a person as part of a family and/or organizational system, not as a separate individual in the first place. This approach works at a level of systemic patterns a client is entangled in as part of the system, which is an unconscious level. A well-trained systemic coach is not too concerned about clients thinking, motivation, action, not too much interested in serving or satisfying the client, or helping solve clients issues. Systemic work does not happen on clients’ or coach’s willpower. You can expect that this training will help you to start to notice systemic patterns during coaching dialogue with your clients. You can also expect to start to make some systemic interventions to help your clients get more clarity about the actual situation and movements that can lead to overgrowing their own entanglements. And you can expect that you will be able to create a field where your clients can find good solutions for their issues addressed in coaching sessions.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Before we begin...

    • Before we begin... (2 min read time)

  • 2

    Welcome to the course!

    • What is this training about? (4 min watch time)

  • 3

    What is systemic coaching?

    • How systemic coaching differs from classical coaching (4 min read time)

    • How systemic coaching differs from classical coaching (13 min watch time)

  • 4

    What do we mean by a system?

    • Our life from systemic perspective (7 min watch time)

    • A client form systemic perspective (1 min read time)

    • Client and coach form systemic perspective (1 min read time)

    • Client and coach form systemic perspective (2 min read time)

  • 5

    Inner attitude in systemic coaching

    • Attitude of systemic coach: from helpful to useful (4 min read time)

    • Thinking and coaching analytically vs. systemically (2 min read time)

    • Systemic perception (9 min watch time)

    • Empty middle (6 min read time)

    • Empty middle (23 min watch time)

    • Key points of empty middle (2 min read time)

    • How to prepare yourself as a coach for session (5 min read time)

    • Self check questions to ask yourself. Discover which of the empty middle concepts is most challenging for you now? (2 min read time)

  • 6

    Working with client

    • Systemic issues and questions (15 min watch time)

    • How to recognize when there is a systemic issue (1 min read time)

    • A few examples of systemic questions (1 min read time)

  • 7

    Process of systemic coaching

    • Systemic coaching process (10 min read time)

    • Systemic coaching dialogue (37 min watch time)

    • Key things to remember when preparing for your session (1 min read time)

    • Systemic coaching structure (1 min read time)

  • 8

    Diagnostics in systemic coaching

    • Working with the systemic figures. Process (3 min read time)

    • Table top consellations for diagnostics (29 min watch time)

  • 9

    Interventions in systemic coaching process

    • Table top constellations, interventions in imagination, use of language (10 min watch time)

    • How to make a systemic intervention (8 min read time)

  • 10

    Specific topics in systemic coaching

    • Specific topics in systemic coaching (1 min read time)

    • Goals, potential, leadership issues, change and transformation, planned and upcoming future (15 min watch time)

  • 11

    Summary and conclusion

    • Thank you for taking this course (1 min watch time)

    • More resources for you (1 min read time)

    • Before you go... (10 min read time)

Watch Intro Video

Take a glimpse inside an online training

Watch an episode of video lesson

Additional information

important to note

Becoming a systemic coach provides knowledge about two basic systems we are connected to – the organizational world and the family system. That's why before joining this video training, you are kindly suggested to first take online training Introduction to System Phenomenological Theory.

This training is for people who

are willing to apply systemic thinking and approach in professional life

  • want to become systemic coaches

  • want to use systemic coaching as part of their coaching and training portfolio

  • want to find a systemic coach for themselves or their company or team

  • want to learn systemic coaching as a tool for work inside an organization

Iveta Apine

systemic coach, constellations facilitator and trainer, founder of Systemic Constellations Center Riga

I would say that systemic coaching is for people who are ready not just to learn new techniques, skills and attitude, but who are ready to become instruments themselves. In this training, we will learn a lot about systemic questioning, systemic listening, systemic dialogue, and, in general, how to be systemically present and make interventions. You might be surprised what you will learn as a coach!
Iveta Apine